Here are photos of the Christmas Commissions I did. The lady in the first one is making glass beads in her studio.Amazing,how does she do that! Hope you had a wonderful holiday.Ours was nice,tree is still up and gave most of the cookies away..-I would have eaten them if I hadn't!(I did make one batch of chocolate chip cookies.) talk to you soon, Diana
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas Commissions
Here are photos of the Christmas Commissions I did. The lady in the first one is making glass beads in her studio.Amazing,how does she do that! Hope you had a wonderful holiday.Ours was nice,tree is still up and gave most of the cookies away..-I would have eaten them if I hadn't!(I did make one batch of chocolate chip cookies.) talk to you soon, Diana
Friday, December 23, 2011
Merry Christmas!
Hi! Well the turkey is done, most of the packages are wrapped,and of course you've seen the pink tree! ha ha. Here is my Piggies. This original is in the Red Queen Gallery! They have 3 new Eastern Shore Mini Landscapes. Today J. took them up for me. I'm still drinking lots of gatorade and coffee for the headache. It's almost better. Ok I went grocery shopping yesterday and that almost did me in! So today I've sent the men to do my errands and crashed on the couch. Can you believe it is Christmas Eve tomorrow! I finished my commissions this week and they were picked up!!I hope to show you soon what they were.
Have a wonderful Christmas. Eat Lots of cookies, and be merry. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas! love to you all,Diana
Monday, December 19, 2011
MY Pink Tree!
HI, Well I've been working on the commissions this morning. Wish I could show you but I can't, maybe after Christmas! I also painted a Christmas card for an art lesson gift certificate. Another surprise.
Here is our Christmas tree. I usually go to a farm myself and get one but this year with the blasted... headache-yes it's still here.(I'm trying not to grumble about the pain too much--well now anyway) My husband brought me this beauty from Walmart ! I love it. I told him I wanted a pink one if we couldn't get a real one!! Definitely brings smiles.
My cookies aren't going to get cooked so I've opened a bag of chocolate bars.. But we have so much to be thankful for. Isn't my manger scene beautiful on Gran's cupboard!I always put this out first in my Christmas decorating,because Jesus is why we celebrate. Enjoy the season,enjoy and remember your blessings. Talk to you soon,Diana
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Ornament Sketch
HI, I haven't been blogging as much and miss it. I miss hearing from everyone and commenting on your lovely blogs. I'm still here. See the pillow with dear Rudy(the cat) on it, usually my head is right there next to her. I'm laying down still as much as I can because I still have this post lumbar puncture headache... I have a hole that will heal but it's allowing fluid from my brain to drip down and causes this horrendous far 3 weeks tomorrow..! Here is a photo of my sketchbook from last ornament I drew. One of my favorite movies of all times is Christmas Vacation.. so funny! We must watch it each year!! I did get to the show yesterday. I had help.. John set me up,all the racks,paintings,... and he and my mother hung everything. Then Mama stayed for a few hours, I went late and stayed until the end. It was a lovely show,so Christmasy and warm. Don and Donna Drew are wonderful people, stop by the Copper Creations soon and see their work or look them up on the web. Ed and Pat Kuhn were there with his wonderful fish carvings, Jim and Mary Ann with Jewelry and Soaps, and Dianne with ornaments and me too! I will be working on finishing my commissions this week. I hope you are doing well and my best to each of you! talk to you soon, Diana
Monday, December 5, 2011
Copper Creations Christmas Open House
Hi, here is a photo of some of the small paintings I'll have on Saturday at the Copper Creations Christmas Open House at their warm and cozy workshop in Melfa,Va. They have about 5 local artists showing with them, we all bring homemade goodies to share,and Donna makes 2 is Jambalaya my favorite. I'm going to have to buy the goodies to take this year.. but I'll be there. Hope you can come. You will enjoy it! Good Food, Excellent art to buy for presents! and a warm,cozy wood stove in a sweet workshop, a delightful day. talk to you soon, Diana
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Spinal Headache continues...
Spinal headache continues. I can't get much done. I have to lay flat as much as possible to get rid of it. Hope it heals soon.. Pain pills help but still can't paint like I want. I will get my commissions done. Just a tiny painting I worked on in 15 minute increments. Talk to you soon, I hope. Diana
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Back Shot and Geese..
hi, This painting is my "Canadian Geese", I used a pour for the background and came back into it and darkened some of the blues.. It looks like a lovely winter sky. You may have seen it before.
I can't do much painting... I have back problems and yesterday got an epidural shot in my back, I shouldn't have. I have the headache that you can get from that as well as being more sore and no better. My luck with medical procedures is not good. I shouldn't have tried. Now I have thanksgiving coming up with family visiting and I'm taking headache pain pills and grumbling and grumbling.. a lot... I did just lay in a wash on a painting. You can see where my priorities are. The laundry can pile up but I have to paint something. Anyway back to the recliner with the heat pack.. and no more shots for me.. never again. Sorry to grumble so..It will get better... Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones.. talk to you Soon,Diana
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
This one, too!
Hi I just found out the date of the Copper Creation Holiday Art Show. Dec. 10th on a Saturday. It will be a wonderful time. I hope you can come if you are nearby.
Here(pictured) is my other entry in the ESAL show. Day Lily. Delivery is in the morning. I've been painting on the porch with Daisy today. A commission. Always a blessing. It was so nice and warm today, now we are getting a gentle rain which we need. talk to you soon,Diana
Monday, November 14, 2011
ESAL Member show this weekend!
HI! Well the class was nice. I had 5 students, Richard,Karen,Karen,Linda and Nancy. We enjoyed painting Christmas Cards. It's hard to believe it's almost time for Christmas.
This week is the Eastern Shore Art League Member show. It's held every November. Each member may enter 2 pieces of art. So I've chosen my Checkerboard Chicken(pictured) and Day lily paintings to enter. There are prizes and ribbons.
The opening will be Friday,November 18th from 5pm-8pm.The rest of the show will be Saturday Nov.19 from 10am-4pm and Sunday,Nov.20 from noon-4pm. This will be held at the Red Queen Gallery in Onancock,Va. I hope if you are nearby you can come to the show. It's always a fun time.
talk to you soon, Diana
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Two Sketches for Christmas Card Class
Hi Here are two sketches I've done to prepare for my class this Saturday.(at Norfolk Botanical Gardens--check out the right side for more info) One is a male cardinal with holly and the other is an ornament with sparkly tissue paper. I will be doing more. I want them to be able to create a card for them to take and have copies made for their Christmas cards or holiday cards.First I will have them sketch these themselves.Then paint them and I'd also like us to accomplish a few little paintings to be made into everyday notes or even just as little paintings. I couldn't find any Winsor and Newton Iridescent medium here on the shore so I bought some acrylic iridescent. I've tried it out and it seems much the same. Well, I guess I'd better go start supper for now. It's already dark outside. I know my nephew is hunting deer.I just saw him go into the forest. I saw 4 white tailed deer yesterday. They were amazing! I prefer to watch them not hunt them. take care,Diana
Monday, November 7, 2011
Loss of a Friend,Guy Wilkins

My friend,Guy Wilkins passed away Saturday night. This is a photo of him taken by his buddy, John Shire. Guy was a wonderful person,friend,poet and artist. I was fortunate to have him as my friend. I hold his family in my thoughts and prayers.The world is not as nice a place nor will it ever be as bright and wonderful without Guy here in it. Guy now resides as he said "in the stars".(our hearts,my heart is broken.)
Notes from my journal-- June 2008,Eastern Shore Art League Meeting-- Guy was speaker that night. He did a demo and here are my notes.. now you know I'm not a writer but here are just the words I put he was painting and talking..(He completed the painting-to me this captures the way he painted-boldly)==
Guy Wilkins-- wild human life = subject matter,4 children, daughter Sarah,children all paint abstractly all artists.
not to seek too many details-self taught-time is judge,
Van Gogh,Matisse-inspirations-
Seaview(Eastern Shore)coldest night in yrs was born
N.Y shows expensive, learned a lot
Will Burnett came to his show.
Did publicity for Norfolk(Chrysler)museum
25Th st. Chelsea August Show in NYC
Francisco Clamante
Barrier Island Museum-July Opening
paint everyday 60 days. 5 hours
Cedar St.
"I"m off my diet so what"=painting to go to NYC show
Paints 5 hours without looking up.
Loves foreign movies for inspiration
Johnny Depp movie
uses more brushes-flats mostly flats =his favorite
Liquitex,+Lucas- gouache
June 28Th-opening Barrier Island Center Museum
commercial brushes-then later refine with smaller
crayon draw
draw in yellow oxide paint-then come in
work around a subject with color(to dramatize or white)
sky-blue violet,brilliant blue (loves this color)-purple,
cobalt teal, turquoise deep,light permanent blue
seems to use mostly from tube instead of mixing
parchment over waves for white-softens-
ACTION-cobalt teal definition to sea add red,unbleached titanium,Flash into after dry boldly makes something happen, white effects for jump touches of white
For Sky AMAZING-Turquoise Deep
purple,brilliant blue,light blue violet, (Red =fav.color) Cad yellow deep yellow med.azeo,Different shapes,unity plus variety(leave lighter color on horizon)plans as he goes,angle to see for movement, studied a little drawing in Norfolk,Va.Speed=angle,circled where sun would go, sometimes after starts will go in with line work, leaving white for waves,working in surfers, added purple charged up color,backs up to check, odd#, drip adds to motion, change from warms to cooler, deep for surfboard, charge up on color to break up solidity of it, parchment/unbleached titanium white for figure, color likes builds into ocean, leaves white line for outline, occasionally splotching, dabbing with clothe, vertical stripes, finishes with poem he wrote just for this"Self Portrait" I'm just a human.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Grey Day
This is a small painting I did this summer,plein aire.It's looser than I usually paint which I like. I'm working on something I can't show you now.
It's a grey day.Cold and damp.
Yesterday John Shire,my friend and a great photographer, and I went over and saw Guy Wilkins at the Hospital. It was across the bay.Here is a photo of part of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. We cross this to go to larger cities,the Eastern Shore is mostly small towns,fields for farming,farms, and little fishing villages. This bridge is 17 miles long and has 2 tunnels. It's beautiful,we cross Fisherman's Island. Anyway we went to see Guy. He's not doing very well. It's not good. However he did recognize both of us.I got to meet his family. It was a long drive and drive home but I'm glad we went.
Hope you have a wonderful to you soon,Diana
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Ginkgo Leaves Painting
Hi, just a little Ginko Leaves Painting and a Maple Leaf Painting. The leaves are finally turning here and you can smell that woodsy dried leaf smell in the air plus it's turned cooler. I guess winter is coming. The sketch was done by my grandfather in 1934 and it's of my grandmother, his soul mate and wife,Sarah.I just found it today. Jack had given me his sketches and my wonderful watercolor box(he made) many years before he died. well I'll get the dishes to soak and then paint!~ ha ha.. talk to you soon,Diana
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Portrait of Guy
I've gone out on a limb here. I don't usually do portraits but I've had Guy in my heart and prayers. He is in the hospital and not doing well. His family are with him,he has leukemia. He is a wonderful artist. Google him. You'll see. His paintings are bright and bold and wonderful. If you knew the man you'd love him--he's sweet and kind,gentle and bold. How can we put that on paper? I'm blessed to have him as my friend-I've known him for years. Send him your prayers or loving thoughts if you will, he needs them now.Thank you. So I decided to try to paint him. Have a good weekend. Talk to you soon,Diana
I came back in and added a little more dark to the shadows and trimmed the side of his more tweaking.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
HI, I tried a very loose watercolor today. Have you checked out Jean Haines watercolor blog? It's over in my blog list. Her work is amazing and so very loose. I don't know how she does it but I thought I'd give it a try with the beautiful colors of the Devil's Walking Stick.(These are from my backyard.) That is the smaller photo. I wet my paper completely. This is 140lb. hot press arches block and then splashed on my colors with a large juicy brush allowing the colors to drip and dry a little. I enjoyed the freedom and then I drew some leaves of the Devil's Walking Stick onto the corner. I'm pleased with it and am thankful for the inspiration..from Jean and the beautiful fall leaves- read her book too. It's amazing. talk to you soon,Diana
Monday, October 24, 2011
Warm cup of beans and a Paintbrush.
We had a busy weekend, the class was Saturday and I had 7 students. We painted fall leaves and pumpkins and had a good time. I had a few peppers to paint too and now one is simmering in a pot of Cowboy beans.It's a good recipe... one bag of dried beans,rinse and put in pot of water,add jalapeno pepper and 3-4 cloves of garlic and salt, simmer until done. That's it. So my pepper from class is in the pot.
Today,I really thought it was warm outside,the sun is shining.. so I set everything up on the porch to paint. It's quickly getting cool.. too cold to paint on the porch. But I squeezed some time in and did finish this simple pumpkin painting. I found the flowers in the garden before I started to paint. The pumpkin I did in class. It's a good day for a warm cup of beans and a paintbrush. talk to you soon,Diana
Friday, October 21, 2011
Fall Watercolor Class
Tomorrow is my class at Norfolk Botanical Gardens, I just did 2 quick little watercolor sketches of things we will do then. I've got loads of fall veggies,leaves,acorns gathered together for more detailed watercolors after these exercises.. It's going to be fun. Hope you all have a wonderful fall weekend,enjoy the fall colors. Talk to you soon,Diana
Monday, October 17, 2011
We're Home!
HI, well here is a video of the Art Affair, I hit the wrong button on the camera.. oh my! It was 2 very busy days. First day was gusts of wind that caused a problem. But my husband and son came to the rescue and brought weights and we bungee corded the tent and racks down, I too bungee corded my chair to the tent so my weight helped hold it down. The lady in the booth next to me lost half of her pottery in one gust as her rack fell on it. Poor thing.. but she gathered her things and display back together. Second day was perfect weather,sunny and nice. I sold 4 originals.. small but I'm thankful. Husband and son were my muscle and support and helped do all the setting up and hauling. I didn't get much time to be with family but they all came out to visit at the show on Sunday. It was nice but it's always nice to be home. Resting up today. Take care, talk to you soon,Diana
I am also available for wedding videos... ha ha.. just kidding.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Art Affair and Balance
hi! I'm getting ready for the show. Art Affair in Richmond,Va. Ok well you know me I'm painting. I just love it so much I don't feel complete if I don't paint each day. So this morning I've been working on this painting of autumn leaves. I found these all in my yard and yes I put in one little mushroom. It is so adorable but I restrained myself and I didn't put the whole patch of red mushrooms I found this morning in the painting!HA HA. Balance is what I am focusing on now as I put the finishing touches on the painting. Does it need another acorn?Do the colors balance? I've used my palette knife on the leaves too. J.put the racks and tent in the car. I have these to frame and try to rest because it's going to be 2 grueling busy days.It will be fun but tiring! Wish me luck. have a fabulous weekend! stop by if you are near!Talk you soon,Diana
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Loose Watercolor
HI, I have been experimenting with loose watercolor and the grid of the gauze. This has a pour under base. Monelle was painting with me and we both had fun with the bleeding of colors. Take care. Back to painting. Diana
Yesterday I painted outside. The weather was perfect in the 70's and finished my new monarch. This will go in the show this weekend,Art Affair in Richmond,Va.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
New Texture Technique and Monarch !
HI! Yesterdays show was nice, sales were good,the sun shone and Monarchs drifted by. They are starting to migrate now. So I've got to paint one more. They are so magnificent. This is on 300lb Winsor Newton Cold press paper and first I draw my butterfly. For the monarch this sketch must include all the little dots and markings as I paint around the white. So he's three quarters drawn and I can't wait. I've got my water and am going to start on a wing!
I also wanted to show you a new technique I was reading about the other night.Here's how: Take gauze and wet a place on your watercolor paper then place the gauze down on this spot. Dab with paint and keep the gauze wet. Allow this to dry,peel off the gauze. It creates a web like texture to the paper. See the photo. I know this will be fun to use.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I have another show this upcoming weekend in Richmond,Va. Please if you are nearby come see me. It's Art Affair. More info in the upper right corner of the blog. Take care,Diana
ps The other photos are for my reference. I took at my parents home. Gorgeous Maple leaves and a lovely water view..and yes Daisy is doing fine, snoring now!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Stacked up and ready to roll-or wiped out and trying to get it together.
I'm packed. Well, actually I have the paintings stacked and ready to pack the car,J. insisted on packing it and I'm fine with that! He's going to in the morning. Show starts at noon--5pm. It's called the Onancock High School Falltacular Fun Day in Onancock,Va. Local Art show, barbecue dinner, and more. I've been resting this afternoon,drinking hot tea,I'm just tired and back is not up to par.. but I will be ready in the morning. How do you revive yourself--when you are wiped out--talk to you soon, have a great weekend. Diana
ps. Daisy is doing fine. Thank you for all your kindness. She received 19 emails asking about her.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I was all packed. The car loaded, had my coffee,ready to go and in the blink of an eye my day changed. A raccoon attacked Daisy,our lab on our back porch. She had him in her mouth shaking him. I bolted out the door with the only thing I could grab a flashlight, I threw it at the raccoon and then toppled my bike on him. He ran. Daisy and I ran. He got away but we immediately called Amy! She works for our vet and said come up for a booster of her rabies shot. Daisy's shots were up to date this is just an extra one. SO I had to cancel and not participate in Harvest Festival. J. unpacked the car, I heaved Daisy in and away we went. The health department just called and said that is what was necessary--the booster shot after a good record of rabies shots and she should have 0% chance of rabies..but we have to watch her for 45 days. WHAT a day. But Daisy is healthy and I do have another show on Saturday. I did this sketch of her in the backyard a few minutes ago. Just a quick one. take care. and get your animals their rabies shots.. talk to you soon,Diana
ps I wrote the little poems as I was sitting there( I'm not a writer but enjoy nature so much)
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