Diana M. Davis Watercolor

Diana M. Davis Watercolor

Friday, November 30, 2012

The End of Nablopomo!

HI, I have started this commission. The original painting, I did at least 20 years ago. She wants me to paint one like it for family members. So I've gotten the drawing on paper and then taken a bike ride this afternoon. The trees smelled almost spicy. It's so gorgeous outside.

Do you know what today is?? The Last day of November,the last day of my pledge to write each day in November(NaBlopomo=National Blog Posting Month)!!! WOW where are the balloons.. Do we get cake?? :) ok I'm just kidding... well maybe not about the cake. I will be back and I've enjoyed it.. it's been harder than I realized. take care.. love ,Diana


  1. Congradulations, Diana! You made it through the month!!! :)

  2. How cool is this piece? I love that you are being asked for more original paintings of this family heirloom. I wonder how your style will have changed from the first to the newest?


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