HI, yesterday's show was nice,the weather was nice, people came and went and enjoyed the wine and art.. and I did finish the cannas painting at 10:30pm the night before the show...then I framed it and crashed into the recliner. I put the purple leaf in to balance the composition and love the painting. Do you like it?? My next art show is this upcoming Saturday, September,4 at the Onancock High School, College Ave, Onancock,Va.The Pignic..Homemade Pork Barbecue is available at the show..This Show's proceeds benefit the renovation of the Onancock High School. Most of the artists there will be Eastern Shore Art League members. I have been a member for 32 years. I believe the show times are 12noon-7pm.. I hope to see you then. I've put a new gadget on the blog in the upper right hand to keep you updated on what show is coming up!!! talk to you soon, I'll go read and rest awhile--paint tomorrow.. Diana
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Pignic Art Show
HI, yesterday's show was nice,the weather was nice, people came and went and enjoyed the wine and art.. and I did finish the cannas painting at 10:30pm the night before the show...then I framed it and crashed into the recliner. I put the purple leaf in to balance the composition and love the painting. Do you like it?? My next art show is this upcoming Saturday, September,4 at the Onancock High School, College Ave, Onancock,Va.The Pignic..Homemade Pork Barbecue is available at the show..This Show's proceeds benefit the renovation of the Onancock High School. Most of the artists there will be Eastern Shore Art League members. I have been a member for 32 years. I believe the show times are 12noon-7pm.. I hope to see you then. I've put a new gadget on the blog in the upper right hand to keep you updated on what show is coming up!!! talk to you soon, I'll go read and rest awhile--paint tomorrow.. Diana
Friday, August 27, 2010
Glazing Cannas Painting and Feelings

Hi,yesterday I had to go to the grocery store, and run errands. On my way home I stopped at Herbal Instincts in Onancock. Have you ever been in a store and immediately felt peaceful??.. When I walked in I smelt lavender, fresh herbs so lovely... I bought some fresh coffee to brew when I got home and some organic eggplants to paint as I was leaving I spotted a gorgeous cannas blooming in their front flower patch.. I asked if I could buy just the bloom and they insisted I bring it home no charge...Thank you So MUCH!
I started my sketch late in the day(as soon as I got the groceries away) and have started the painting and here is what I've done so far.. I will be glazing each petal many times to achieve the brilliant red/orange of the flower. I have a dilemma as I need to clean and cook too, my son is coming for the weekend but I want to finish this for the show tomorrow.. So it's going to take some time to paint.. which will I do.. ah I can squeeze the cleaning in Maybe??..
this truly is the first thing since Gran died that I feel like I want to desperately paint.. It has been so very hard to paint..
I hope to see you at the show tomorrow.. Remember Exmore,Va. The Off the Vine Wine Bar on Rt.13 highway( 1/4 mile south of Food Lion)time from noon to 7pm.. the Art and Wine Festival.. have a great weekend, Diana
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Mushrooming and Collage

HI, Yesterday on my bike ride I was riding down a wooded road nearby and found all kinds of wild mushrooms. It made me think of my friend Ivana, she knows how to mushroom.. her mother taught her which mushrooms to cook and which were poisonous. Of course my purpose was to paint them. I found pink, red, dark rich browns, sienna,lavenders,grey,-- so many colors of mushrooms and I wasn't even looking for them. So I took them home and set them up on the art table and started a collage using masa paper and 2 kinds of rice paper I had on hand. I bought the book Myrna recommended by Brommer. Thank you for the inspiration Myrna!~~ Check out her blog. Creativity Journey. Anyway here is my new little mushroom painting and here are a few new mushrooms which popped up in my front yard this morning.. ummm lemon yellow mushrooms.. they would make a great painting too!! Take care, Hope to see you at the show Saturday.. look at the last post for more info on the show.. Talk soon, Diana
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Art and Wine Festival

HI, I'm getting ready for the Art and Wine Festival, Exmore,Va. next Saturday August 28th. The show will be from 12 noon until 7pm. Location is the new "The Off the Vine Wine Bar" owned and operated by Holly Grove Vineyards of Franktown,Va. A local winery. The wine is delicious! Rt.13-the highway 1/4 mile south of Food Lion or next to Sonny's Barber Shop( a Local landmark) Local Artists many from the Eastern Shore Art League (I'm a member)will be there and yes -- I'll be there with my lovely originals and Fine Local Wine from Holly Grove -- some samples for $1 a glass. Hope you can come.
Here is Barn Owl in Brick Barn,my original watercolor.This painting will be featured at the show. I do love the owls as you know. Although today the hummingbirds have been zipping around with as many as 10 at a time. In and out of the porch--we almost need ear muffs when we go out there...:). One hit my kitchen window in his desire to get to the feeder first.He was fine just brazed his belly! HAHA.Today, I've been painting some zinnas and hope to have that finished in time for the show. Hope to see you there! talk soon, Diana
Friday, August 13, 2010
Iridescent Medium on Hummer
Hi, I just put the finishing touches on my new hummer. Today I bought a new hummingbird feeder and have put it up late this afternoon, already I have them zooming in and out of the porch. They are so amazing. I was watching them as I did the dishes tonight and knew I had to work on this little hummer painting. I use Winsor Newton Iridescent Watercolor Medium very lightly after I finish painting the bird , using a small amount with clear water I glaze the bird, also I used two iridescent powders, one of the powders varies as you look at it from yellow to green, the other varies from blue to an opalescent. Just very sparse because I want this to be transparent but still capture some of the amazing glitter as the real bird's feathers do. I had planned to put an oval mat on it but the rectangle fits this painting.. I will use a new one I just have some old mats to see how it looks. If I use the new mat to try it out-- I'll get it speckled with paint!!! talk to you soon, Diana-- oh I've included my painting buddies.. Daisy is snoring away, Dusty sleeps with her tongue out.. my dear girls.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Cherry Tomatoes and Walking Meditation
Hi, I finished my "Cherry Tomatoes". Just now. I used negative painting and especially like the left hand side of the painting where the vines are together and going up.This is my tomato plant and my tomatoes and some of Mamie's'. I did the little pear painting earlier this week as a demo for a student.
Well this week I've gone to the blueberry farm in Hacksneck.Va. and picked blueberries and Asian pears. They are delicious and lovely too I couldn't help but notice the plums at the farm are gorgeous, deep blues and purples.. but they aren't ripe yet.. so no picking. On the way home we stopped and had iced coffee at The Bear and Cub Coffee Shop in Pungoteague.
Here is a Walking Meditation.. I thought you might like.
Take deep slow breaths and read while walking slowly. It's beautiful.. you can do while walking the dogs or just on your own, look at God's beauty around you as you walk--Enjoy..
Walk and Touch Peace every moment
Walk and touch happiness every moment.
Each step brings a fresh breeze.
Each step makes a flower bloom.
Kiss the Earth with your feet.
Bring the Earth your love and happiness.
The Earth will be safe
When we feel safe in ourselves.
Thich Nhat Hanh (author) -- Kiss the Earth
talk soon! Diana
Monday, August 2, 2010
Stage Door Gallery at ArtsEnter Show
This painting is "Linger Here". I drove down to Stage Door Gallery in Cape Charles,Va. today and they are showing this painting and 2 other originals of mine in the upcoming show. This Saturday it opens. John Nyberg is the featured artist. His work is abstract.He has a beautiful garden with sunflowers and zinnas about 2 miles from here. Well I'd best get back to cleaning off the art table. Ugh.. They say organization makes you more peaceful and productive. What do you think?? talk to you later, Diana
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Red Queen Gallery
HI, This is my dog portrait of Sonny, he was a wonderful dog. He was my parents dog and I do dog portraits, cat portraits, cow portraits.. you get the picture.This is Snowball, the kitty, her owner works in a newspaper office so Snowball does too sometimes.. These aren't brand new. I have been painting this week but I've been doing art errands and so I'll show you something new soon. But I did want to tell you I'm now showing my work in The Red Queen Gallery in Onancock,Va. It's a lovely gallery. I hope you can stop by and see my work and the other beautiful things they have. You can go to their website. It's www.redqueengallery.com.
I was working on a still life of tomatoes this afternoon and when I went to make supper couldn't find any tomatoes.. they were all on my art table.. I was making homemade pizza and was still thinking about the still life and so I poured the sauce right off the pizza.. I scraped it back. Haha.. what a time. The pizza was good.. and I made 2 so guess what's for supper tomorrow night. take care and talk soon, Diana
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