My friend,Guy Wilkins passed away Saturday night. This is a photo of him taken by his buddy, John Shire. Guy was a wonderful person,friend,poet and artist. I was fortunate to have him as my friend. I hold his family in my thoughts and prayers.The world is not as nice a place nor will it ever be as bright and wonderful without Guy here in it. Guy now resides as he said "in the stars".(our hearts,my heart is broken.)
Notes from my journal-- June 2008,Eastern Shore Art League Meeting-- Guy was speaker that night. He did a demo and here are my notes.. now you know I'm not a writer but here are just the words I put down..as he was painting and talking..(He completed the painting-to me this captures the way he painted-boldly)==
Guy Wilkins-- wild human life = subject matter,4 children, daughter Sarah,children all paint abstractly all artists.
not to seek too many details-self taught-time is judge,
Van Gogh,Matisse-inspirations-
Seaview(Eastern Shore)coldest night in yrs was born
N.Y shows expensive, learned a lot
Will Burnett came to his show.
Did publicity for Norfolk(Chrysler)museum
25Th st. Chelsea August Show in NYC
Francisco Clamante
Barrier Island Museum-July Opening
paint everyday 60 days. 5 hours ea.day
Cedar St.
"I"m off my diet so what"=painting to go to NYC show
Paints 5 hours without looking up.
Loves foreign movies for inspiration
Johnny Depp movie
uses more brushes-flats mostly flats =his favorite
Liquitex,+Lucas- gouache
June 28Th-opening Barrier Island Center Museum
commercial brushes-then later refine with smaller
crayon draw
draw in yellow oxide paint-then come in
work around a subject with color(to dramatize or white)
sky-blue violet,brilliant blue (loves this color)-purple,
cobalt teal, turquoise deep,light permanent blue
seems to use mostly from tube instead of mixing
parchment over waves for white-softens-
ACTION-cobalt teal definition to sea add red,unbleached titanium,Flash into after dry boldly makes something happen, white effects for jump touches of white
For Sky AMAZING-Turquoise Deep
purple,brilliant blue,light blue violet, (Red =fav.color) Cad yellow deep yellow med.azeo,Different shapes,unity plus variety(leave lighter color on horizon)plans as he goes,angle to see for movement, studied a little drawing in Norfolk,Va.Speed=angle,circled where sun would go, sometimes after starts will go in with line work, leaving white for waves,working in surfers, added purple charged up color,backs up to check, odd#, drip adds to motion, change from warms to cooler, cad.red deep for surfboard, charge up on color to break up solidity of it, parchment/unbleached titanium white for figure, color likes builds into ocean, leaves white line for outline, occasionally splotching, dabbing with clothe, vertical stripes, finishes with poem he wrote just for this"Self Portrait" I'm just a human.