Dusty, our dear dog, passed away Saturday, February 26th at 8:45am. She had lung cancer, we only found out about 2 weeks ago and the cancer was everywhere. She was a wonderful friend and we love her dearly and always will.Dusty loved the snow,loved everyone she met!She followed us everywhere. When I went into the kitchen she came with me, next to me at the art table, next to J. when he went to get the paper.Always next to us.Always loving and always missed so very,very much.Diana
Monday, February 28, 2011
Our Dusty
Dusty, our dear dog, passed away Saturday, February 26th at 8:45am. She had lung cancer, we only found out about 2 weeks ago and the cancer was everywhere. She was a wonderful friend and we love her dearly and always will.Dusty loved the snow,loved everyone she met!She followed us everywhere. When I went into the kitchen she came with me, next to me at the art table, next to J. when he went to get the paper.Always next to us.Always loving and always missed so very,very much.Diana
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Painting Buddies and New ES Mini
HI! Yesterday afternoon I framed 4 small paintings. I had wanted to paint but needed to get this done. This morning I finished another new little ES mini. This is a landscape of Willis Wharf,Va. near the railway. My painting buddies,my Daisy and my Dusty, laid nearby and rested. We have sun and it's warmer today so nice outside. Almost Spring!I'm ready for more sun! Remember the show on Saturday if you are nearby! ES Heritage Festival at ESCC in Melfa,Va. take care, Diana
Sunday, February 20, 2011
And now to frame!!
hi! Here is a new Eastern Shore mini landscape-- as you can see the drawing with the beginning of the painting in one photo and then on the other photo is the finished watercolor in the upper left hand.This painting is of Willis Wharf,Va.
Here is what I have to frame this week. I thought about starting this afternoon but instead may sketch some.. tomorrow is good! ha ha.. This is for the show, Eastern Shore Heritage Festival, next Saturday, February 26Th at the Eastern Shore Community College in Melfa,Va. from 10am-3pm. Hope you can come!
If you didn't make it to the opening last night at the Red Queen Gallery in Onancock,Va. you missed a treat.. it was wonderful. I went for a little while and enjoyed it and so many people were there and pouring out into the street.. Go by and see the new location and new show"New Beginning" if you can. Now I can tell I have my "Cyclamen" there. talk to you soon and rest and enjoy your weekend, Diana
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Bayford,Va. Watercolor Landscape
Hi!Here is my latest Eastern Shore mini landscape.I've been working on it this morning. I've stopped. I'm doodling it to death. I tend to nitpick and over detail if I'm worried and I've been worried about the dogs.
This is a local place in Bayford,Va. The Eastern Shore Art League used to have lovely very intimate (small) art shows on the lawn in Bayford at Mapp and Thaddy Walker's lovely garden. This was like 15 years ago!! WOW!
First I drew my landscape. I then laid in the sky, turning it on it's side to make the drips and paint form lovely(hopefully) feathers of clouds, this is so much fun.. also it's a conversation piece if someone should walk in --- why is that painting upside down?? haha.. after it dried I wanted more color so I wet only the sky again and laid in another stripe of color just to the top of the house for contrast with the roof.(This sorta makes it dark like it's going to rain-- not my intention but hey it works!) I continued to paint and used my palette knife on the roof and 3 old barrels in the foreground. Just dip a wet palette knife into your color and smear it where you want.. it's more intense than dry brush and lots of fun to do!!! I used the barrels from the photo of the boat.
I will frame it for the ES Heritage Festival which is next weekend.. I have at least 5 to frame--UGH! take care, talk to you soon,Diana
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Sick Doggies, A Rose, and An Egg
Hi,well we got up at 5am because of Daisy and Dusty(our 2 dogs). Both are still very ill, but after a very rocky night and morning finally they are sleeping and have had all their pills, fresh water and a tiny bit of food. I've called Doc again, he's the sweetest man, he continually helps them and gave me more pills for Dusty. Oh boy. Well they will be better tomorrow,(I"m trying to be positive,) I sure hope so!!
While I was on the phone I worked on the egg I showed you yesterday. I finished it here it is.. Silly looking I know but fun,and I'm so glad it's finished for the show. All the wooden eggs will be auctioned off during the festival to support the Chincoteague Easter Decoy and Art Festival next year.
I heard from the Red Queen Gallery in Onancock,Va. Their opening is next Saturday,Feb.19th from 6-8pm.Come! Exciting time, all new never before seen original art,each artist has only one piece so hope you can stop by and see mine!!The title of the show is "New Beginnings".They have moved to a larger new location!You may have had a glimpse of my original that will be there-- here on this blog!I can't tell you!You could check out the January blog entries!
This painting is my watercolor "Rose".It's hanging in my studio waiting to go to the next show. I painted this from 2 perfect roses I bought from the local florist in Nassawadox. I literally went thru all of their roses searching for the perfect one, came up with the large purchase of 2 roses.. Haha.. It took me only an hour and they were so kind to show me all of them! Have a great weekend, I'm going to go get some iced tea. take care, Diana
Friday, February 11, 2011
Egg, Moths,Daisy and Dusty
Hi,I've been painting my IO Moths and just finished them. I like the female better than the male, her colors are much bolder and richer.She is the dark quinacrodone burnt orange and red rose deep one.
While I've painted my painting buddies( Daisy and Dusty) are laying beside me,and yes they are both ill. Hopefully after the antibiotics kick in they will be back to their old selves. I hope so. We've had a week of ups and downs with them.Poor things!
Oh the egg-- did you see the wooden egg in the photo of the moths. What do you think it's for?? Well the Chincoteague Decoy and Art Festival asks the artists to paint one egg each for them to auction to support the show.I'm thinking of using sharpies on it in different colors and squiggles.. what do you think.. talk to you later. Diana
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Watercolor of an IO Moth
hi! This morning I started this little painting of an IO Moth. I save butterfly and moth wings and bodies for reference.(They are amazing up close.) I'm only showing you the tiger swallowtail butterfly and this I believe is a viceroy's wings. I have more but after sometime they fall apart and aren't so pretty. I don't capture them. I just pick up ones I find.First I sketch them on my watercolor paper and then slowly paint each wing. I love the color of this female moth-I used quinacrodone burnt orange,red rose deep and a violet for the upper wing. The male is sketched in under it--Can you see it on the watercolor paper?.. and will have yellow wings with the same bulls eye.Another moth I adore is the Luna Moth.No they aren't out yet, I'm pushing for warmer weather!- and we had 2 inches of snow last night. take care and stay warm. talk to you soon,Diana
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Granulated Luna Blue on Bill
Little Watercolor of Great Blue Heron
HI, Here is my new great blue heron I'm working on today. This will be small,5x7 framed into 8x10. The photo is from my parents backyard,gorgeous isn't it. This is next to their dock where I could easily dream/paint my afternoon away.Well maybe not today-it's too cold but you understand what I mean.I have complied more than one photo to do this little watercolor. I need some new small paintings for 2 shows I'll be doing soon, Eastern Shore Heritage Festival and the Chincoteague Easter Decoy and Art Festival. I just found out I was juried into that too, so that's good. Well back to painting. Take care and stay warm. Talk to you soon,Diana
Monday, February 7, 2011
Oranges on Blue Plate

hi! Here is my orange painting, I added some more blue to the "plate". It's looser than I usually do but I like it and it was fun. This was the painting I started at the ESAL(Eastern Shore Art League) Paint Out.
Now, I've got in mind to do a heron's head and this is the pour I will use. I'll start my sketch later today.I love the splash to the right and I need some smaller paintings for my next show, Eastern Shore Heritage Festival. The information is to the top right of the blog!
I also wanted to share with you a photo I took the other night of a little screech owl in my backyard. This one was dark greys and white, I know I'm going to have to do an owl soon. He was adorable and let me get close. Should have taken a closer photo but didn't want to flash him too much.
Take care, I've got paper work to do...,ugh. Rather paint. Talk to you soon,Diana
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Did I Stop in Time?
Well I was so absorbed in painting I didn't hear the men outside from Asplundh cutting down a dead lob lolly pine on the side of the road in our yard. This pine was a favorite roost of many birds so they'll have to find another tree, but that won't be a problem.
Here is my finished painting of the pink tulips. I was starting to add a line here and a line there and I stopped myself. I didn't want to overwork it. I want it to be delicate and hopefully capture the beauty of those flowers. What do you think? Did I stop in time or do I need more darks??
Talk to you soon, Diana
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