HI, I've been working on a series of little 8x10 paintings of the Eastern Shore of Va., different local landscapes but small. Here is one I just finished of Quinby,Va., I always loved and still love to go over this little bridge, it's so beautiful. It's fun to roll down the car windows and breathe in the salt marshy air and gaze at the lovely marsh and water.
The sun is just setting here and it's just the dogs and I. My husband has gone to a meeting. I walked out the driveway and took some photos of the sky it is amazing. Pink puffs and then yellow streaks.. the light outdoors now is pink and gives a pink glow to everything. So gorgeous.
Well I'd best get back to my next little mini.. this one is an older scene of Willis Wharf. HarvestFest is coming next Wednesday October 6Th and I'll be there showing my watercolors in the large Art Tent.. This I believe is their 19Th year and I've been there each HarvestFest. It is an all you can eat seafood festival, showcasing the Eastern Shore Food and Art.
take care and if you get time walk outside and enjoy the pink sky, talk soon,Diana