Well I had an emergency today. J. woke me at 6:30am something was wrong with Daisy--(our Labrador) and sure enough when I saw her I knew she had a temperature. She was panting with a very hot nose and not a normal pant either.
So I took her temp and it was 103.9. A normal dog temperature is 101 so that wasn't good. I got a bucket with ice water and wiped her down. She was pitiful, the soulful look in her eyes.We had to do something. I ended up taking her to our vet again. All the way to Pocomoke,Md.to Dr. Johnson.It takes almost an hour to get there. But it was worth it. He gave her a shot, more antibiotics this time a z pack and something for arthritis and sore joints. I had planned to paint all day to finish this little commission but instead I'm zooming up the shore..the photo is of our return trip going across Shields Bridge.. a tiny bridge in Belle Haven,Va.
We did stop on the way home and got her a .99 burger-(-I got this idea from my friend Susan who drives her dog,Sam to the drive up window and orders him a vanilla ice cream cone and puts it in the cup holder for him. Sam is a sweetheart--Susan is too!) and now Daisy is snoring loudly on a blanket as I paint.
I've gotten a little painting done and stopped to post this. It's a landscape of Willis Wharf again. I've used some of Daniel Smith Lunar Black on the building. This has a granulation to it, which I love for texture on old wood. I'm looking forward to Meditation Class tonight at 6pm at The Bear and Cub Coffee Shop. I can use some tranquility..what a blessing Daisy is going to be ok... take care, talk soon,Diana
The Clam in the photo of my painting is a lovely work of art by Albert Buck Doughty. I bought this from him recently. He makes it by welding parts of old plows and machinery into these amazing works of art. Google him --I know he's on Facebook.. he's a great guy as well as artist!