Diana M. Davis Watercolor

Diana M. Davis Watercolor

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Norfolk Botanical Garden Poinsettia Watercolor Class!

Poinsettia Watercolor Class at Norfolk Botanical Garden
I'm home. Here is my beautiful students today for my poinsettia watercolor class at Norfolk Botanical Garden. They did these paintings as well as so much more. Their sketches were good and they handled the watercolor very well, and I 'm so proud of the beautiful jobs they did. We went over a lot of information. Here's a photo of the sky on the way home. True, I was driving when I took the photo.. but it's gorgeous.. next class there will be on Sunsets! Have a restful weekend, love,Diana


  1. Great looking art by your students, Diana!! And that sunset sky is gorgeous. Sounds like you had a good day and came home maybe with the sense of a job well done and quiet satisfaction. If so, it was well-earned!

  2. Looks like a great class! And I can see why there will be sunset paintings next time. :)

  3. Well congrats to your students, they all did a great job.. and I' know how fulfilling it is to teach someone and share your knowledge..
    Good for you Dee. and hugs too.. BJ

  4. Dear Diana - looks like your students did lovely work on their poinsettias. Thanks too for sharing your lovely sunset. Have a great week.


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