Diana M. Davis Watercolor

Diana M. Davis Watercolor

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lilies in Watercolor

HI, I'm in a slump. A painting slump..  But I decided to push and do this yellow day lily, Sherrie I held the blackeyed susan up to the painting but it was too small and didn't fit with the lilies. So tell me what you think. I added the burnt sienna under the yellow day lily to define it some more. It became lost next to the bolder ones. I'll look at it for a few days to see if I'm finished..

  Here is a lily from my garden. I'm in awe that it's here and it's so gorgeous. I've tried not to look at it when Sadie was looking. I can just see her running around the backyard in glee with my stargazer lily in her mouth. ha ha. Not so far!! Thank goodness. Here is Sadie on the Eastern Shore News.   Talk to you soon. love,Diana


  1. Well, Diana, I think it is a gorgeous painting, of course. Sadie seems to like to sleep under chairs! She is so cute!

  2. I love the painting just as it is! I reckon Sherlock would have eaten those flower heads by now, lol! Nothing is safe in his path - he leaves a trail of destruction behind him!

  3. This does not look like a slump to me! Love the painting, gorgeous color. Thinking of Sadie with your lily reminds of my son when he planted a small cherry tree, and how our dog, Sox, shortly after, dug it up and ran around the yard with her prize in her mouth. We replanted it and it is now a very big and healthy tree :)

  4. Your Stargazer lilies are gorgeous! I am in awe, too. :)
    Looks like Sadie is having a bit of a rest before getting into more mischief.


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