Monday, September 7, 2015

Art Opening and Show Continues Thru September

Me on the tram, the day I brought the paintings. It was a lovely tour of the garden. I enjoyed it so much!  

The Baker Hall at Norfolk Botanical Garden

Some of the 49 paintings and my dear friend Beth, she helped so much.

Some more of my paintings and my dear friend Renee , she helped so much too!
The Art Opening was lovely, Everyone was so helpful getting it set up. I couldn't have done it without, Beth, Renee, Mama, Dallas, Daniel, Courtney, Bob,David. Ann Henry. Thank you all so much and Connie who hung the paintings and is in charge of the show. Thank you. The show continues thru the month of September. I personally would go early, the Butterfly House is open until Sept. 20th. and I'd go see that as well. You know I love butterflies and nature so much. There are my original paintings of the Japanese Gardens, Butterflies, Hummingbirds, Sunflowers, Fresh Veggies, Day lilies, Owls, Tree Frogs,Orchids,Herons,and so much more in this show.

I sold a total of 5 paintings so far. I'm pleased. Hope to sell some more. It was so much work. I truly painted my heart out and have put everything in my heart into the show.  49 original watercolors..My hope is that people will see the beauty of that wonderful place, Norfolk Botanical Garden and God's beauty, too, thru my art.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Thanks so much for supporting my work, love,Diana

ps. Next Saturday I will be teaching "Owls in Watercolor" there from 10am-3pm , NBG, All are invited to join us. Supplies included bring your lunch or try the wraps at the Cafe.


  1. What a beautiful venue for an art show. I wish you the very best, Diana!!! And thank you for your lovely comment on the gosling painting.
    Kathryn xx

  2. I wish I lived closer! It looks wonderful-good luck to you!!!

  3. Congratulations on your sales! Wishing you many more. It all looks great.

  4. I hope all 49 sell, Diana! What a big show for you! It sounds and looks amazing.


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