Friday, March 14, 2014

Pistachio Shells Create Texture on Watercolor

hi, We've had the plumber here today. He had to cut off the water to fix a faucet outside. This is the one Sadie has been digging under.. nothing like a muddy dog in the winter time.

  I got my paintings up to the show this morning and finished a little landscape this afternoon. Now the water is back on so I'll be catching up with dishes and get supper. So glad I've got some leftovers, aren't they wonderful.

 John brought home some pistachios last night and I was charmed by the shells.. and naturally thought of watercolor. ha ha.. So I laid a wet wash down on my watercolor paper, applied some thalo, opera and cadmium yellow dark and placed the shells on the wet wash. You can see what happened. It's lovely, I used them right side up and upside down and both worked,after the wash was dry I gently removed them.. I love it. I want to do a large painting with some on it so I'm saving the shells.Silly,but so much fun!!

I saw 2 amazing bald eagles flying over a cemetery in Onancock this morning. They were gorgeous. I'm so tired. No more painting. I'm done.Wiped out..

 Hope you have a great weekend.. love to each of you! Wish me luck at the shows. love,Diana


  1. Love the landscape piece, Diana! Can't wait to see what you do with the pistachio paper!

  2. LOL! The Nut Painter.. LOL !!
    Good luck at the show.. BJ

  3. Dear Diane - these shells really make such a nice touch...your colors are glorious too. Now I am going to have to go eat some pistachios and gather up the shells - you certainly planted a seed or perhaps nut (LOL)!


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