Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Display at The Hermitage

Heron ,16x20,$350.
Hi, today was exchange painting day at the Hermitage in Onancock,Va. The Hermitage is a home for retired or ill older people. It's upscale. The Eastern Shore Art League has a display there in the spacious hall. Sooo today I took in this painting and a painting of a Model T. I was going to show you but can't put my hands on the photo now. We each get to display 2 pieces and we've had quite a few sales. So that's good. It also is very much appreciated by the people who live there. Afterwards I slipped up to Amy Kay's,my cousin's, and picked up a couple of paintings I had up there,visited with her for a few minutes and decided I was close to Walmart so might as well get the grocery shopping done. I'm home unpacked and sipping coffee. It will kick in about 8pm. Ha ha.. I didn't get any painting done. I'm just too tired now. I will tomorrow. I'm looking forward to just being home and painting! Have you gotten much painting done since Thanksgiving?? talk to you tomorrow. love,Diana


  1. I am finishing a commission. There's so much else I rather be painting now. I just work so takes me forever!

  2. Dear Diana - the heron looks lovely framed. What a nice thing to do. Hope your coffee kicked in - I know I need several cups before that happens (LOL) - bless you my friend for stopping by and leaving such a warm message - you understand I am sure. God Bless You!

  3. Just going to/from work is all I manage during the week. Wish I had more energy or more of my youth back.

  4. So beautiful! It looks almost like the crane, I call Ichabod, that has shown up to enjoy eating my fish at my pond. Although he is a problem, he is very pretty! As you know, I don't paint, but I manage to get a new design created and embroidered about every other week. I always love to come here to see what you have captured with your brush.


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